Emergency Monitoring

What To Do At the Time Of An Emergency?

During an emergency, you just need to press the push button and our Emergency Monitoring Professionals will be at your service 24*7*365. The help button sends a message to a two-way phone, which connects you to one of our Emergency Monitoring Professionals. An Emergency Monitoring Professional accesses the situation and sends the appropriate emergency help (family, friends, or first responders).

Bring authority and compassion to every call

When the phone rings at the Medical Alert Response Center, a highly trained operator monitors your vital statistics on a computer screen and carefully manages your call so you can get the help you need quickly and efficiently. Whether it’s dealing with a serious emergency, alerting your personal answering machine for help, or even just having a friendly chat, our staff is there for you. To serve as many subscribers as possible, the response center hires users whose first language is not English. Our staff is also trained to use the International Language Line for live translation services in 140 languages.

Medical Alert Response Center
Emergency Monitoring

Gain peace of mind and freedom with Life Direct Emergency Monitoring

Regular monitoring and medical preparedness not only give you peace of mind but also reassures your loved ones that you are not alone. With the green alarm system, a simple button can be worn anywhere, even in the shower. If emergency assistance is needed (medical, fire, or police), press the button, and an authorized operator will respond immediately. What makes us different from other providers?


When there’s an emergency, We Call, Listen, Communicate and most importantly, We Get Assistance if needed.